
11 Steps to Start Getting Back Into a Workout Routine

We’ve all been there before. We start a rigorous workout routine and we’re incredibly self-disciplined every week. But then, life happens. Work gets in the way and other responsibilities take priority. Next thing you know, it’s been months since you last worked out.

That doesn’t mean you never will work out again. All you need is a little extra help and motivation to get you started. Here are 11 steps to help you get back into a regular workout routine again.

1. Hire a Fitness Coach

First, an online fitness coach makes it much easier to accommodate your busy schedule. All of your workouts will be from home or wherever you have internet. Plus, investing your money in something is more incentivizing.

2. Set a Measurable and Trackable Goal

It’s hard to work for something if you don’t know what that is. Maybe you want to run your first half marathon or lose fifteen pounds. If your goal is to work out more, you won’t feel motivated to get it done. Create a goal that allows you to track your results. Instead, have your goal be to lose twenty pounds in six months. Now you have a time frame and a way to measure your progress.

3. Create a Schedule

Starting an exercise schedule isn’t always about having time. You have to make the time. Create a calendar where you schedule your workouts. This is another great way a personal trainer or online running coach can help. You’re committing yourself to a time slot every few days, so you won’t bail.

Start with doing at least three days a week, thirty minutes a day. As you progress, you’ll be able to start adding more days. Switch up the types of workouts you do each time. Break it up into strength training, cardio, and rest days.

4. Build a Plan

As great as it would be to lift and run like you could in the past, you need to go slow. It’s also dangerous to try and overexert yourself if you’ve been out of the exercise game for a while. To avoid injury, build out a plan to get yourself back to your previous fitness levels.

Instead of running five miles, try walking two. Instead of lifting twenty-five pounds, start with ten. As time goes on, you’ll start to feel your stamina and strength returning.

5. Learn From What Didn’t Work

If you stopped working out, then something happened in the past that stopped you. This is a great opportunity to learn from what didn’t work. Was it accountability? Was it time? Think about this as you develop your plan. Then you can prepare yourself to overcome any potential obstacles that might come your way.

6. Don’t Forget to Stretch

When you’re first working out, you need to be careful of potential injuries. Many of these can be avoided with proper stretching before and after you exercise. It gets your heart rate up before you exercise and cools your muscles down when you’re finished.

7. Add Exercise Into Your Daily Tasks

Getting back into shape after a long break can be as easy as starting with your daily tasks. For example, if you typically take the elevator at work, use the stairs instead. Turn housecleaning into an exercise by doing squats or lifting heavy boxes. Use a basket instead of a cart when you go to the grocery store. Eventually, the little things will add up over time.

8. Keep a Fitness Journal

A great way to keep track of your fitness goals is by keeping a journal. You can keep a record of what exercises you completed; this is a visual way to motivate you towards reaching your goals. Write down simple things every day such as your energy levels, moods, and sleep patterns as well.

The more you engage with your physical health, the more it will impact other aspects of your life. It will also be helpful information when you start working with your online strength coach. They’ll want to know these types of details to be able to help you reach your goals.

9. Don’t Forget Nutrition

Maybe when you were working towards your fitness goals last time, you didn’t take into account your nutrition. Diet is 70% while exercise is 30%. It’s still incredibly important to keep moving, but it’s equally, if not more important, to fuel your body the right way.

Foods that are high in protein, healthy carbohydrates, and loads of fruits and vegetables are a great starting place to build your nutrition plan.

10. Cut Out the Vices

This is one of the parts that becomes the most difficult for many people. Maintaining a physical fitness plan means removing vices from your daily life. This includes things like limiting or removing alcohol, quitting smoking, or cutting back on excess sugars.

Instead, replace them with healthy alternatives. Try meditating instead of smoking. Snack on vegetables instead of cookies. Drink kombucha instead of beer.

11. Have a Positive Mindset

Now that you’re building out a substantial plan towards new goals, it’s important to have a positive mindset about it. Don’t let the idea that you stopped working out once before from becoming a hindrance to your success. Instead, let it be a motivator.

Start by reframing how you speak about your physical health. Instead of saying, “I am going to start working out,” start saying, “I am working out.” Our thoughts become our actions. The more positive we are towards ourselves, the more likely we will be to follow through and succeed.


The hardest part of getting back into working out is the physical act of starting. You don’t have to do it alone. Have a personal trainer set you up for success by getting one-on-one strength, running, and fitness coaching right from home.

Get in touch with the trainers at DeMetz Online Personal Training and get started on your goals today.

Demetz Personal Training About Nathan Demetz Personal TrainerNathan DeMetz holds degrees in Exercise Science, Business Administration, and Information Technology as well as certifications in strength and conditioning, sports nutrition, run coaching, and other areas. His credentials come from organizations such as Indiana Wesleyan University, Ivy Tech College, Utah State University, and the ISSA College of Exercise Science.

Nathan has 20 years of personal and professional experience in the health and fitness world. He works with people from across the globe, including locations such as Kuwait, Australia, and the USA.

To work with Nathan directly on your personal training goals, contact him today!