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Women's Weight Loss Plan

Image of Grace DeMetz smiling
Grace performing a back squat

My name is Grace and I am like you—I want to feel good about my appearance and be fit. There were two distinct periods in my life when I did not feel this way. Each had a significant impact on the way I felt about myself and interacted with the people around me.


The first time was a few years into my relationship with my husband Nathan. During those first few years, I gained weight, going from 130 pounds to around 170—note that this was before I began working out, let alone training other people. The image to the right shows how much I weighed (and shows my beautiful stepdaughter Mia when she was younger!).

Image of Grace DeMetz after she lost 40 pounds
Body image of Grace at low body fat
Image of Grace DeMetz before she lost weight

I am smiling in the picture and that was a happy moment, but looking at pictures like that, or looking in the mirror, made me unhappy. I will not bore you with all of the details, but I was down on myself and wanted to make a change but did not want to admit that. It got bad enough that it affected my relationship with Nathan, as I did not want him to see me naked.


It was Nathan who helped push me in the right direction. He saw I was unhappy, encouraged me to do something about, and offered to help me. To a point, I was mad at him since somewhere in my mind he was calling me fat even though he was not, and it took me a while to come around, but I finally did.


I started by going to the gym one day per week, eating better, and overall just being mindful of what I needed to do to reach my goals. It was not easy, but I kept pushing forward. Nathan helped as well, though sometimes I still got mad at him when he would push me to do more, even though I know he was just trying to help. It was something mental that I had to get over.


The mental side is a big part of the process for me, for you, for anyone. It took me quite a bit of time to do something to change, took me even more time to become comfortable with the exercise and eating right, and took me just as much time to understand the things that held me back in the beginning and that still affected me, but that I needed to change. Eventually, I worked to the body you see in the images at the top of this page by using the approaches included in the women's weight loss plan.


Beyond what I look like in the image—and I think I look hot—I gained so much fitness. I was able to do things in the gym that I never knew I could do, and that transferred into me being able to do more outside of the gym. In the physical task, there were many guys I could outdo, which was awesome!

Who this program is for


This weight loss plan for women is for you! If you are ready to lose weight, change your body composition, and get fit, this program will help you do that. Now, the program is not one size fits all—we create custom programs for you. What this means is you can be 115 pounds or 250 pounds and we will create a program that fits your needs.


The program will target body composition improvements as well as improvements in fitness through nutrition changes, resistance training, and cardio. While we will target total body changes and fitness, we will also help you focus on areas where you most want to see improvement, be that look-based or fitness-based, better glutes or running faster, shapely legs or big squats, etc.

What you get with the weight loss program


  • A training plan customized to you based on what your goals are. This may include cardio, strength work, mobility, etc. and the plan can be home-based, gym-based, or made for women who travel regularly. Your situation helps determine the plan we make for you.

  • Unlimited support from me via messages. I will reach out to you at least once a week, though often more frequently, and you can contact me at any time to ask questions, voice concerns, or just talk about the process in general

  • Form video review-we analyze video of your exercise form and provide feedback; we schedule these reviews every two weeks but will complete more or less frequently as needed

  • The program comes with a weight loss diet plan for women that includes what you need to be successful. The nutrition part is flexible in that we can create a detailed meal plan for you that includes all foods, times, etc. or provide you with specific calorie targets, specific macros targets, meal timing suggestions, food suggestions, etc.

  • To help assess progress, tracking tools for nutrition, exercise, body stats, and more are included. Easy to read charts allow you to see each exercise entry, body stat entry, etc. and see how your numbers trend over time.

  • Daily, weekly, and monthly review of your program and progress-each day, week, and month we'll review your workouts and make adjustments as needed. We will also review your body stats, nutritional strategy, etc. and adjust as needed based on how well you are progressing.

Why should you work with me?

I understand where you have been. I struggled with negative emotions tied to poor fitness and unhappiness with my physical appearance. I know how it can affect everything around you and I want to help you reach your goals. Change is possible for anyone with the right plan, motivation, and a little push from the right people. I would like to be that person that helps you, by driving you to success with this weight loss plan designed for women.



What our clients are saying


Kelly S- I've been training with Grace for almost two months now, and I can say that it's the most effective two months of my athletic life, ever. I grew up playing competitive sports and once they ended, I didn't know how to consistently train in ways that weren't tearing down my body. Since starting with Grace, I've learned how to develop a healthy, balanced routine. I'm much, much leaner than I was six weeks ago, and have developed an overall healthier lifestyle. Grace is always quick to respond to any questions and is willing to help with modifications of workouts when needed. I enjoy her direct candor and motivational messages.

Overall, I definitely recommend DeMetz personal training! Worth every penny.


Sarah B - I love the personal training experience you get. I live in Pennsylvania and do not belong to a gym but have workout equipment at home. Grace has created a personal workout routine for me and I am seeing good results! I am so glad I was recommended their program!!!


See more reviews here.

Three Months

Payments are recurring until canceled. You can cancel at any time. Review our intake documents which include terms of service here


Once you submit payment, you'll receive a verification from PayPal noting that you paid for the program. Within 24 hours, excluding weekends, we'll follow-up with you to begin the program.

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