Non-customized Workout Templates
Non-customized - $50/3 months
12-week non-customized training plan
Three-month access to our training app
Choose from 9 different programs
Access to video library
Tracking tools for workouts, body stats such as weight and body fat, and nutrition
Unlimited in-app messaging
Workout templates are ideal for people who want freedom and lower costs with their exercise plan. We offer three tiers of workout templates, each with more or less interaction with us, depending on what you need, and varying features to meet different needs of different people.
Do understand that if you are unfamiliar with exercise, significantly overweight, or have another aggravating condition such as an injury, the workout template may not be the best option for you—one of our full training programs would be better. That said, you can still purchase the workout template.
What to expect from our the Non-customized option
You have the option to choose one of nine different programs:
Body Weight Only Program - no equipment, no problem
Home Gym Program - train from home with only dumbbells and body weight
Constantly Varied Fitness Program - a different workout everyday
The Beginners Running Program - a 12-week plan to go from non-runner to novice runner
Mile to 5K - a follow up to the beginner program that builds from one mile to 3.1 miles (5K)
5k to 10K - continues where Mile to 5K left off, moving you from a 5K to a 10K
Beginner Bodybuilding - for new trainees interested in body part training for aesthetic purposes
Intermediate Bodybuilding - a higher volume follow-up to Beginner Bodybuilding
Advanced Bodybuilding - a hardcore program for advanced bodybuilders
Body Weight Only Program
Program type: home-based
Equipment needed: none
Ideal for: everyone
The Body Weight Only Program is simple in design but effective if complete consistently over time. As the name implies, you do not need access to a gym and do not need to purchase equipment for home. All you need is your body, as the program offers constantly varied, full body workouts that will help you improve your fitness, health, and appearance.
This Body Weight Only Program is a plan for general fitness improvements. With both body weight resistance training and cardio portions four days per week, the program has plenty to offer. The 12-week training cycle has four new workouts each week, though some similarity will occur. Between cardio and resistance training, a total of 96 different workouts occur during this program, and you will not see the exact same training day twice.
Exercises included in the training plan include resistance exercises such as push-ups, lunges, and burpees while the running portion is a beginner plan focused on starting with walk as well as jogging and building up to running over the course of the 12-weeks
The Body Weight Only Program is for everyone, whether a newbie or experienced exerciser.
Home Gym Program
Program type: home-based
Equipment needed: dumbbells
Ideal for: everyone
The Home Gym program is intended for individuals who want to train at home and have minimal equipment—you only need dumbbells. While our other non-customized programs can be completed from home if you have all of the necessary equipment, the Home Gym program is minimalist in design.
This program focuses on general fitness improvements, with both resistance training and cardio portions included in the plan. Each week offers four days of resistance training as well as four days of cardio. The 12-week training cycle is divided into three four-week phases. Between cardio and resistance training, a total of 32 different workouts occur during this program, and you'll revisit these workouts over the 12-week plan to see if you can do better than your previous attempt.
Exercises included in the training plan include resistance exercises such as dumbbell thrusters, dumbbell deadlifts, and other dumbbell based exercises; various calisthenic/plyometric exercises such as box jumps, planks, and leg raises; and running activities such as sprints and mid-distance runs.
Due to its scalability, the Home Gym program is for everyone, whether a newbie or experienced exerciser.
Constantly Varied Fitness Program
Program type: gym-based or well-equipped home gym
Equipment needed: barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bar
Ideal for: intermediate exercisers
The Constantly Varied Fitness Program is ideal for people who have a base in free weights, calisthenics and running who to combine these methods into a program that changes every day and week. The program is designed for completion at a gym or another location with access to barbells, squat racks, dumbbells, pull-up stations, and other standard gym equipment. If you have access to this equipment at home, the program can be completed from home.
This program focuses on pushing you fitness level further than you have taken it before. Each week offers five days of of workouts that include a combination of free weights, calisthenics, and cardio. No two workouts will be the same, though some exercise repetition occurs, as the exercises, circuits, and other variables, such as rest change, each workout and each week.
Exercises included in the training plan include resistance exercises such as barbell overhead squats, dumbbell deadlifts, and kettlebell swings; calisthenic/plyometric exercises such as box jumps, toes to bar, and pull-ups; and running activities such as sprints.
The goal of this program is to push your fitness, meaning it is best suited for people with a high level of comfort in the gym and experience with a variety of exercises.
The Beginners Running Program
Program type: gym-based
Equipment needed: barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bar
Ideal for: beginner runners
The Beginner's Running Program is just as it sounds—a training program for new runners. Over 12 weeks, the program build from walking to jogging to running. A steady progression from week 1 to week 12 will allow trainees to build their running ability, general cardio ability, and overall fitness. Individuals may be able to use this program as part of a larger program for weight loss and health improvements.
This program focuses time based training three days per week. Each sessions should take no more than 45 minutes, with sessions in earlier weeks shorter than workouts in later week. Time-based steady runs and interval training comprise the bulk of this workout, with duration building from week 1 to week 12. While the program does not focus on distance, your distances will improve as well, and you should have a solid mile time as well as the ability to run a few miles at once.
Due to the simplicity, the Beginner's Running Program is ideal for new runners, but due to its scalability, the program can fit into programs for person with training experience.
Mile to 5K Running Program
Program type: outdoor, gym, home
Equipment needed: none or treadmill/track area if running indoor
Ideal for: beginner to intermediate runners
The Mile to 5K focuses on progressing from a one-mile run to a 5K, which is 3.1 miles. The program is ideal for runners with some experience who are ready to push their running further. It is an ideal follow-up to the Beginner's Running Program. The program utilizes a variety of run programming as well as cross-training. Training occurs up to five days per week.
The run portion of the program includes sprints, mile runs, and other runs up to 3.1 miles, with difficulty varying from easy to max effort. A steady progression from week 1 to week 12 will allow trainees to build their running ability, general cardio ability, and overall fitness. Individuals may be able to use this program as part of a larger program for weight loss and health improvements.
The cross-training portion of the program includes optional resistance training and free days to focus on alternative cardio methods, such as biking, swimming, or use of an elliptical/cross-trainer.
5K to 10K Running Program
Program type: outdoor, gym, home
Equipment needed: none or treadmill/track area if running indoor
Ideal for: intermediate runners
The 5K to 10K Running Program is intended for experienced runners up to an intermediate level and picks up where our MIle to 5K running program left off. The training program focuses on progressing from a 5K to 10K. The program utilizes a variety of run programming as well as cross-training and optional resistance training. Training occurs up to six days per week.
The run portion of the program includes sprints, mile runs, mid-distance runs, and long-distance runs, with difficulty varying from easy to max effort. A steady progression from week 1 to week 12 will allow trainees to build their running ability, general cardio ability, and overall fitness.
The cross-training portion of the program includes optional resistance training, days to focus on specific cardio methods, such as biking and an elliptical/cross-trainer, and free days.
Beginner Bodybuilding
Program type: gym-based or well-equipped home gym
Equipment needed: barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bar
Ideal for: everyone
This is a 12-week program dedicated to building muscle and improving strength, that also helps improve fitness. The 12-week training cycle is divided into three four-week phases. Workouts occur four days per week, with various exercises each day. Major lifts such as the squat remain the same each week, but major variations or assistance exercises, such as the front squat and leg extension, change each week. Week-over-week and phase-over-phase load and/or volume changes to help you keep progressing.
The Beginner Bodybuilding program is designed for completion at a gym or another location with access to barbells, squat racks, dumbbells, pull-up stations, and other standard gym equipment. If you have access to this equipment at home, the program can be completed from home.
This program is ideal for persons focused on building a more aesthetically pleasing physique that has less body fat and more muscles and/or for individuals who prefer body part training.
Intermediate Bodybuilding
Program type: gym-based or well-equipped home gym
Equipment needed: barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bar
Ideal for: intermediate lifters
This program is very similar in design to Beginner Bodybuilding, but adds more training days, exercises, and volume. It is designed for people who are more experienced than a beginner or who already completed the Beginner Bodybuilding program and are ready to move to the next level.
It is a 12-week program dedicated to building muscle and improving strength, that also helps improve fitness. The 12-week training cycle is divided into three four-week phases. Workouts occur five days per week, with various exercises each day. Major lifts such as the squat remain the same each week, but major variations or assistance exercises, such as the front squat and leg extension, change each week. Week-over-week and phase-over-phase load and/or volume changes to help you keep progressing.
The Intermediate Bodybuilding program is designed for completion at a gym or another location with access to barbells, squat racks, dumbbells, pull-up stations, and other standard gym equipment. If you have access to this equipment at home, the program can be completed from home.
Advanced Bodybuilding
Program type: gym-based or well-equipped home gym
Equipment needed: barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bar
Ideal for: advanced lifters
This program is the next step in bodybuilding progression that started with the beginner program and moves into the intermediate program. The advanced program again adds more training days, exercises, and volume. It is designed for people who are very experienced with bodybuilding style of lifting or who already completed the Intermediate Bodybuilding program and are ready to maximize muscle gains for their best physique.
It is a 12-week program dedicated to building muscle and improving strength, that also helps improve fitness. The 12-week training cycle is divided into three four-week phases. Workouts occur six days per week, with various exercises each day. Major lifts such as the squat remain the same each week, but major variations or assistance exercises, such as the front squat and leg extension, change each week. Week-over-week and phase-over-phase load and/or volume changes to help you keep progressing.
The Advanced Bodybuilding program is designed for completion at a gym or another location with access to barbells, squat racks, dumbbells, pull-up stations, and other standard gym equipment. If you have access to this equipment at home, the program can be completed from home.
What you get with the app
The training app we use is a super useful tool that will save you time and effort. With it, you can track your workouts on your customized calendar, view the exercise library, assess progress through helpful charts, and connect with quickly and easily. Below are a few screenshots and video examples of the app.
Workout plan customized to you-a plan customized to you is the best plan to help you reach your goals
Personalized dashboard to see programs, track results, etc. using the mobile or desktop versions of our app
Personalized workout calendar-all your workouts and other reminders on an easy to use digital calendar
Workout tracking-see your workout progress, stats for specific exercises, and more
Body stat tracking-track and view changes in your weight, fat, body composition, and other numbers
Nutrition tracking-connect your MyFitnessPal account and view your food tracking alongside your workout tracking
24/7 access to us via the app message system-send us a message at any time
Access to video library-hundreds of videos illustrating proper exercise form
Video clips of the training app
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Screenshots of the training app
Payments are recurring and charged once every three months until canceled.
Review our intake documents which include terms of service here.
Once you submit payment, you'll receive a verification from PayPal noting that you paid for the program. Within 24 hours, excluding weekends, we'll follow-up with you to begin the program.
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Message us using the contact form on the homepage or you can learn more on the About Us page, the Reviews page, the FAQ page, the Screenshots and Forms page, or the Privacy Policy page.
Non-customized - $50/3 months
12-week non-customized training plan
Three-month access to our training app
Choose from 9 different programs
Access to video library
Tracking tools for workouts, body stats such as weight and body fat, and nutrition
Unlimited in-app messaging