Cross Training Program
Cross-training is the combination of two or more training styles. The reason for cross-training can be that you have dual goals, such as bodybuilding and powerlifting, that you compete or want to compete in a sport like CrossFit, or you prefer variety in your exercise. These programs are also ideal for persons interested in general fitness.
Regardless of the reason, as your online fitness coaches, we can create a cross-training program that combines the different training styles you like. Interested in powerlifting and bodybuilding? We can create a PowerBuilder program for you. Do you like running, Olympic weightlifting, calisthenics (body weight exercise), and powerlifting? We can create a program that gives you the best of each, using our various training credentials, including CPT/CFT, SSC, SET, and SSF, among others, and our personal experience as well as experience training others in functional training, powerlifting, running, bodybuilding, and other training methodologies.
No matter what you want to combine, as your online fitness coach, we can create an online cross-training program that fits, and we will be there to help you every step of the way. On top of that, we are always available for support via messages or email, and available for calls as needed.
What you get:
Workout plan customized to you-a plan customized to you is the best way to reach your goals
Support—unlimited messaging with your trainer and phone calls upon request
Form video review-we analyze video of your exercise form and provide feedback; we schedule these reviews every two weeks but will complete more or less frequently as needed
Nutritional guidance-the training plan comes with basic nutrition education including specific calorie targets, specific macros targets, meal timing suggestions, food suggestions, etc. and an example meal plan to help you understand how to put it all together
Nutrition tracking-connect your MyFitnessPal account and view your food tracking alongside your workout tracking; if you connect a MyFitnessPal account we can view your calorie and macro tracking, which allows us to provide better nutrition feedback and programming
Daily, weekly, and monthly review of your progress and program-each day, week, and month we'll review your workouts and make adjustments as needed
Personalized dashboard to see programs, track results, etc. using the mobile or desktop versions of the training app
Personalized workout calendar-all your workouts and other reminders on an easy to use digital calendar
Workout tracking-see your workout progress, stats for specific exercises, and more
Body stat tracking-track and view changes in your weight, fat, body composition, and other numbers
Access to video library-hundreds of videos illustrating proper exercise form
What to expect from the online cross-training program
After you pay for the program, we send you an email confirming payment. This email includes new client intake paperwork that everyone must sign, such as the new client questionnaire and health questionnaire. You fill these out, return them to us, and we review them. If we have any questions, we either ask via email or schedule a time to talk on the phone. If there are no questions, we move on to the next step.
The next step in the online training process is app account creation. Since we deliver all workouts as well as other content and all tracking occurs through the app, setting up your account and familiarizing yourself with it is an important step. We create your account on our end, then you receive a confirmation link and finish the set-up.
You can view more information about the forms and app here.
Once you are set-up for the app, you'll take your starting stats, such as body stats and lifting stats, which we'll use to track your progress over time. You'll be able to see this progress in the app, via the charts and other tracking information on your personalized dashboard.
Based on the information provided in your intake forms and through our communications with you, we create a 12-week online cross-training program customized to you, that:
Is built around your schedule
Focuses on the type of exercises you like and will help you reach your goals
Follows the principles of exercise programming such as specificity, periodization, progression, variety, etc.
Is 12 weeks in length
The program will be built according to your skill level, among other factors. Why is this important? This helps determine:
Frequency of training (number of sessions per week)
Length of sessions (time spent during a single session)
Time between sessions (number of rest days between workouts)
Total rest days per week
Type of exercises included
Volume (exercises x sets x reps)
Rest intervals (how long you rest between sets/exercise)
Type of progressions (which variable changes over time)
Rate of progression (the pace at which intensity increases)
We input the online fitness training plan into your app account. You view the various workouts in the app, under your training plan page or via the interactive calendar. Every exercise includes a video instructional, and each workout includes a text explanation for how to track, how long to rest, how to safely perform workouts, etc.
The app works on iOS and Android phones as well as all desktop, laptop, and tablet computers. You can track in the app in real-time, or print the workout for the day and add the tracking later. You complete workouts during the week, and we provide feedback as needed. At any time, you can use the app to send a message to your online fitness coach. At the end of each week, we review the week of workouts, set-up workouts for the next week, and provide you a cumulative feedback message, if needed.
At the end of each four-week period, we take a close look at your progress.
The process continues like this for the duration of the 12 weeks. At the end of the 12 weeks, we take a look at your progress and other factors and determine how to approach the next training cycle.
All training cycles are 12 weeks (three months) in length. You can pay for three months or pay month-to-month. Both payment options are recurring until canceled. You can cancel at any time.
What our clients are saying
Heather F - I have been working with Nathan for close to a year now, at first my goal was very specific. However Nathan showed me through nutrition and proper workouts my goals could be so much more. He has always been supportive and personalised my workouts for my goals. I have never felt that I am just a number. I love the progress shots as it shows just how much improvement I am making. As the workouts change regularly it is easy to keep motivated, especially with Nathan checking in regularly to make sure I'm still on track. Thanks Nathan for all your hard work and motivation!
Mark R - I like the follow-up, the feedback, and the involvement. Even though everything is done online, you still get the attention and effort of having an in-person trainer. The workouts are tailored very well to your personal goals and current level to help you see the most results immediately as well as long-term.
See more reviews here.
Payments are recurring until canceled. You can cancel at any time. Review our intake documents which include terms of service here.
Once you submit payment, you'll receive a verification from PayPal noting that you paid for the program. Within 24 hours, excluding weekends, we'll follow-up with you to begin the program.
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