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Understanding Binge Eating

Nathan DeMetz

Fried fish stand with four meals

Binge eating is a vicious cycle. I have worked with a number of people who are or were trapped in it. Stopping the cycle takes looking at the cause of it. A person overcoming binge eating must work with someone who focuses on mental health.⁠ However, there is a path to improved mental health, eating, health, and life overall.

This is not a place to shame someone. It goes beyond saying that a person “just needs will power.” Will power is part of it, but it goes deeper, which is why the help of a mental health professional is important. ⁠

Overeating versus binge eating

Overeating and developing binge eating disorder are not the same. Both are issues someone can struggle with, but the latter is a pathological issue. ⁠

Binge eating is not an issue where someone overeats due to lack of self control. The National Institute of Mental Health notes:⁠

“ People with binge-eating disorder lose control over his or her eating. Unlike bulimia nervosa, periods of binge-eating are not followed by purging, excessive exercise, or fasting. As a result, people with binge-eating will develop binge eating disorder and often are overweight or obese. Binge-eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the U.S.⁠

Symptoms include:⁠

  • Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as a 2-hour period⁠

  • Eating even when you're full or not hungry⁠

  • Eating fast during binge episodes⁠

  • Eating until you're uncomfortably full⁠

  • Eating alone or in secret to avoid embarrassment⁠

  • Feeling distressed, ashamed, or guilty about your eating⁠

  • Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss”⁠

As with clinical mental/emotional disorders, treatment through therapy is often advised, and part of that process will include engaging in positive nutrition habits. ⁠

I have worked with a number of people who have mental issues that legitimately prevent them from seeing the best success they can. Binge eating is one of them. I have seen people struggle, cry, and give up. This is not a mere matter of motivation. It is something deeply rooted in them that has to be addressed and is a daily struggle. ⁠

Be understanding. Try to learn more. Above all else, be compassionate.⁠


Binge eating affects men and women


Eating disorder happen in men and women. Most of journal of eating disorders and the societal focus in the US is on women. On the surface, data suggests that more women suffer from eating disorders than men. That might not be true.⁠

The difference in the number of men vs women who experience eating disorders may come down, at least partially, to stigma against men having such conditions, and underreporting by men and their doctors.⁠

That second one is just as important as the first. Literally suggests that even doctors carry some kind of bias against men have eating disorders, and may as a result, misdiagnose such issues. ⁠

“about one in three people struggling with an eating disorder is male, and subclinical eating disordered behaviors (including binge eating episodes, purging, laxative abuse, and fasting for weight loss) are nearly as common among men as they are among women.”⁠

We live in a society where men are not supposed to have issues such as depression or eating disorders, to be victims of abuse. This is not reality and some men you know, may be suffering from these issues, whether you want to believe so or not. ⁠

Be aware. Be compassionate. Be understanding. And above all, be willing to help.⁠


Eating disorders do not have a body type or size


Eating disorders do not have a look. Some people think “fat” people have an eating disorder, some people think “skinny” people have eating disorders, some people think both have eating disorders, and some people think neither have eating disorders and instead just lack motivation.⁠

This is the wrong way to think.⁠

You cannot look at someone and say that person does or does not have an eating disorder. An eating disorder is a pathological condition, that is, it is a clinically diagnosable mental health condition. ⁠

You are not a doctor. ⁠

Even if you were, you would not be able to diagnose without taking a detailed history and mental assessment of the person in question.⁠

Understand that disordered eating is a difficult thing for a person who experiences it, and bias, negative, shaming, etc., do more harm than good. ⁠

Eating disorders can and do affect people of any gender, race, age, status, etc. ⁠

Be aware. Be understanding. Be helpful. In this way you can help them see progress. You can be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.⁠


A path forward


Binge eating is a vicious cycle. I have worked with a number of people who are or were trapped in it. Stopping the cycle takes looking at the cause of it, which is beyond the services I can offer. A person must work with someone who focuses on mental health.⁠ However, there is a path to improved mental health, binge eating behavior, health, and life overall.

That said, part of the process for someone to lose their weight gain and get health will circle back around to dietary changes and exercise. In this aspect, I can help someone, and I do understand how hard this cycle can be.⁠

This is not a place to shame someone. It goes beyond saying that a person “just needs will power.” Will power is part of it, but it goes deeper, which is why the help of a mental health professional is important. ⁠


But I can help the client focus on nutrition and exercise in a guilt free training process. I have been, and can be, part of the solution.⁠


What is the meaning of binge eating?

When eating food for the first few hours you feel unable to control your own eating behaviors. Depending on your lifestyle, you may be suffering a binge eating disorder.

How do I know if I have binge?

What are BED diagnosis? ) Binge regularly - in most cases twice weekly for at least three months. Eat a large number of calories compared to normal eating or to other people at short intervals. Eat in the absence of a craving?

Why do people binge?

Many binge-eaters have negative views on themselves, skills or accomplishments. Symptoms of binge eating disorder may include stress and poor self-esteem.

How is binge eating disorder different from bulimia nervosa?

Those with bulimia nervos regularly exercise and consume food with vomiting, using laxatives or diuritics, or fasting. People with a binge-eating disorder sometimes take this approach to lose weight, but it isn’t usually included in their diet.

What is the difference between binge eating disorder and other eating disorders?

Female bulimia or binge eating episodes these disorders affect how they eat and even how they exercise. They suffer from an eating disorder that threatens our health. In contrast to anorexia and bulimia, people with binge eating disorders have no problem putting out food. Most people have a dietary disorder which makes them overweight or styphoid. But binge eating disorders don't mean that every individual has an underlying problem. You can suffer multiple erectile dysfunctions throughout your life.

Some of the more common signs of binge eating disorder are

The symptoms of the eating disorder often begin before changes of behavior or body appearance. Signs include : Binge eating disorders are mental illness and you will sometimes feel changes to how you are feeling after symptoms diagnose binge eating disorder have been noticed. Psychological signs are a number of physical effects of eating disorders including binge drinking. Generally speaking, binge eating disorders are fatal and unless properly treated they can cause serious health consequences.

How common is binge eating disorder?

Binge eating disorders account for almost half of the diagnosis. In the United States it affects about 3 %. Approximately 3 times the prevalence is found in women with female responsibilities at birth than male responsibilities at birth. The disease is primarily diagnosed in teenage girls than in adult girls in about four to three.

What are the signs and symptoms of binge eating disorder?

Some people have an eating disorder that occurs at an early age. Symptoms of depression and other mental problems are often repeated regularly (once a day or longer). Environments such as tension or relationships affect your mood or affect your mood. These condition combinations can cause your eating behavior not to get out of the way of your BED status - a rare disorder in your mind.

What causes binge eating disorder?

Researchers can't find a single cause to explain binge food disorders. Scientists believe treat binge eating disorder or disorders may have a genetic, psychological and social component. Usually these combinations is made up of genetics – i.e. genes and biochemical characteristics. Research shows that people with binges can overeat in an attempt to control their anger and stress.9 Researchers have been investigating the effect of brain chemicals on eating habits and their effect on mood.

What's in the treatment plan for binge eating disorder?

Psychotherapy is the key part of treatment plans. There are a number of ways to use the same methodology. Depending upon the patient, medication can support their treatment plan. Medically and physically healthy foods do not treat binge-eat disorder directly, but can aid you in managing a couple of risk factors that may cause it.

How is binge eating disorder diagnosed?

A doctor will diagnose your eating disorder if you're uncertain about the behavior you have. You may be reluctant to reveal this information but honesty is critical to finding the correct diagnosis. It is easy to contact your physician first and seek help with your eating disorder symptoms and mental health problems as well. Those people will have a diagnosis.

And that is it. Have questions? Let me know on social media. You can click the links here, or just look up Nathan DeMetz Personal Training on Facebook and Instagram.

Nathan DeMetz holds degrees in Exercise Science, Business Administration, and Information Technology as well as certifications in strength and conditioning, sports nutrition, run coaching, and other areas. His credentials come from organizations such as Indiana Wesleyan University, Ivy Tech College, Utah State University, and the ISSA College of Exercise Science.

Nathan has 20 years of personal and professional experience in the health and fitness world. He works with people from across the globe, including locations such as Kuwait, Australia, and the USA.

To work with Nathan directly on your personal training goals, contact him today!

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