How to Get Strong with Powerlifting

How to Get Strong with Powerlifting

Increase your compound lifts When it comes to joining the gym, some of the biggest goals that people have are getting ripped, losing weight, and getting strong. Regardless of your reason for increasing strength, powerlifting is an excellent way to do so. While the...
Fitness After a Setback

Fitness After a Setback

Don’t let setbacks hold you back Setbacks happen in life in careers, relationships, finances, and of course, fitness. As with any setback in life, the goal when facing a setback in fitness is to find a way to move forward. A fitness setback can occur for myriad...
You Are Not Too Old to Get Fit

You Are Not Too Old to Get Fit

Don’t let age stop you from training Too often do people give up on getting fit and lifting as they get older, some of them even claim that they are “too old” to start training. Age is a defining factor in program development and progress, but not...
Why is Nutrition so Hard?

Why is Nutrition so Hard?

One of the hardest parts of a fitness journey Training and lifting weights is the fun part of gaining muscle mass, burning body fat, and becoming better physically. Then there is the nutritional side of things, which is perhaps the most crucial part, but is not always...
The Road to Improved Fitness and Performance

The Road to Improved Fitness and Performance

Taking a look at the process of being more fit, and performing better  We program exercise for the average gym goer in a manner similar to how we program for athletes. By that, we mean we create a structured plan that takes into account situational factors of the...
How to Lose Weight: Overcoming Roadblocks

How to Lose Weight: Overcoming Roadblocks

Don’t Fall Victim to the Roadblocks of Losing Weight One of the most common goals for any client entering personal training is weight loss. Almost everyone wants to lose fat around the midsection, get rid of the dreaded and oddly named “batwings,” or see less...